Parc Olympique
4141, av. Pierre-de-Coubertin, Montréal, H1V 3N7
Web https://parcolympique.qc.ca
The mission of the Olympic Park is :
to develop, manage, promote and operate the Olympic Park in order to allow the holding of sports, cultural and community events, exhibitions as well as recreational and tourist activities, in complementarity with its partners and the surrounding community;
to promote the Olympic heritage and legacy.
PARTICIPATE: to encourage local residents, Montrealers, Quebecers and visitors to take ownership of these valuable facilities and participate in the activities of the Olympic Park, a place of discovery, entertainment, sports and business, located in the heart of the Olympic District.
WELCOME: To partner with and host memorable moments at all facilities, 365 days a year.
REALIZE: the full potential of Olympic Park while respecting its heritage value.
CELEBRATE: the Park, recognized as an icon of Montreal, and which, on the eve of its 50th anniversary, contributes daily to the pride of its staff and users.